This connector materializes Flow collections into tables in a Snowflake database. It allows both standard and delta updates. Snowpipe is additionally available for delta update bindings.
The connector first uploads data changes to a Snowflake table stage. From there, it transactionally applies the changes to the Snowflake table.
provides the latest connector image. You can also follow the link in your browser to see past image versions.
To use this connector, you'll need:
- A Snowflake account that includes:
- A target database, to which you'll materialize data
- A schema — a logical grouping of database objects — within the target database
- A virtual warehouse
- A user with a role assigned that grants the appropriate access levels to these resources. See the script below for details.
- Know your Snowflake account's host URL. This is formatted using your Snowflake account identifier,
for example,
. - At least one Flow collection
If you haven't yet captured your data from its external source, start at the beginning of the guide to create a dataflow. You'll be referred back to this connector-specific documentation at the appropriate steps.
To meet the prerequisites, copy and paste the following script into the Snowflake SQL editor, replacing the variable names in the first five lines.
If you'd like to use an existing database, warehouse, and/or schema, be sure to set
, warehouse_name
, and estuary_schema
accordingly. If you specify a new name, the script will create the item for you. You can set estuary_role
and estuary_user
to whatever you'd like.
Check the All Queries check box, and click Run.
set database_name = 'ESTUARY_DB';
set warehouse_name = 'ESTUARY_WH';
set estuary_role = 'ESTUARY_ROLE';
set estuary_user = 'ESTUARY_USER';
set estuary_schema = 'ESTUARY_SCHEMA';
-- create role and schema for Estuary
create role if not exists identifier($estuary_role);
grant role identifier($estuary_role) to role SYSADMIN;
-- Create snowflake DB
create database if not exists identifier($database_name);
use database identifier($database_name);
create schema if not exists identifier($estuary_schema);
-- create a user for Estuary
create user if not exists identifier($estuary_user)
default_role = $estuary_role
default_warehouse = $warehouse_name;
grant role identifier($estuary_role) to user identifier($estuary_user);
grant all on schema identifier($estuary_schema) to identifier($estuary_role);
-- create a warehouse for estuary
create warehouse if not exists identifier($warehouse_name)
warehouse_size = xsmall
warehouse_type = standard
auto_suspend = 60
auto_resume = true
initially_suspended = true;
-- grant Estuary role access to warehouse
grant USAGE
on warehouse identifier($warehouse_name)
to role identifier($estuary_role);
-- grant Estuary access to database
grant CREATE SCHEMA, MONITOR, USAGE on database identifier($database_name) to role identifier($estuary_role);
-- change role to ACCOUNTADMIN for STORAGE INTEGRATION support to Estuary (only needed for Snowflake on GCP)
grant CREATE INTEGRATION on account to role identifier($estuary_role);
use role sysadmin;
Key-pair Authentication & Snowpipe
As username and password authentication was deprecated in April 2025, you need to authenticate using key-pair authentication, also known as JWT authentication.
To set up your user for key-pair authentication, first generate a key-pair in your shell:
# generate a private key
openssl genrsa 2048 | openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -out rsa_key.p8 -nocrypt
# generate a public key
openssl rsa -in rsa_key.p8 -pubout -out
# read the public key and copy it to clipboard
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
Then assign the public key with your Snowflake user using these SQL commands:
Verify the public key fingerprint in Snowflake matches the one you have locally:
DESC USER $estuary_user;
WHERE "property" = 'RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_FP'), 'SHA256:');
Then compare with the local version:
openssl rsa -pubin -in -outform DER | openssl dgst -sha256 -binary | openssl enc -base64
Now you can use the generated private key when configuring your Snowflake connector. Once you have key-pair authentication enabled, delta updates bindings will use Snowpipe for loading data.
To use this connector, begin with data in one or more Flow collections. Use the below properties to configure a Snowflake materialization, which will direct one or more of your Flow collections to new Snowflake tables.
Property | Title | Description | Type | Required/Default |
/host | Host (Account URL) | The Snowflake Host used for the connection. Example: (do not include the protocol). | string | Required |
/database | Database | Name of the Snowflake database to which to materialize | string | Required |
/schema | Schema | Database schema for bound collection tables (unless overridden within the binding resource configuration) as well as associated materialization metadata tables | string | Required |
/warehouse | Warehouse | Name of the data warehouse that contains the database | string | |
/role | Role | Role assigned to the user | string | |
/account | Account | The Snowflake account identifier | string | |
/credentials | Credentials | Credentials for authentication | object | Required |
/credentials/auth_type | Authentication type | jwt is the only supported authentication method currently | string | Required |
/credentials/user | User | Snowflake username | string | Required |
/credentials/password | Password | Deprecated | string | Deprecated |
/credentials/privateKey | Private Key | Required if using jwt authentication | string | Required |
Property | Title | Description | Type | Required/Default |
/table | Table | Table name | string | Required |
/schema | Alternative Schema | Alternative schema for this table | string | |
/delta_updates | Delta updates | Whether to use standard or delta updates | boolean |
Key-pair authentication:
database: acmeCo_db
schema: acmeCo_flow_schema
warehouse: acmeCo_warehouse
auth_type: jwt
user: snowflake_user
privateKey: |
# If you have multiple collections you need to materialize, add a binding for each one
# to ensure complete data flow-through
- resource:
table: ${table_name}
source: ${PREFIX}/${source_collection}
(DEPRECATED) User and password authentication:
database: acmeCo_db
schema: acmeCo_flow_schema
warehouse: acmeCo_warehouse
auth_type: user_pasword
user: snowflake_user
password: secret
# If you have multiple collections you need to materialize, add a binding for each one
# to ensure complete data flow-through
- resource:
table: ${table_name}
source: ${PREFIX}/${source_collection}
Sync Schedule
This connector supports configuring a schedule for sync frequency. You can read about how to configure this here.
Snowflake compute is priced per second of activity, with a minimum of 60 seconds. Inactive warehouses don't incur charges. To keep costs down, you'll want to minimize your warehouse's active time.
To accomplish this, we recommend a two-pronged approach:
Configure your Snowflake warehouse to auto-suspend after 60 seconds.
This ensures that after each transaction completes, you'll only be charged for one minute of compute, Snowflake's smallest granularity.
Use a query like the one shown below, being sure to substitute your warehouse name:
Configure the materialization's Sync Schedule based on your requirements for data freshness.
Delta updates
This connector supports both standard (merge) and delta updates. The default is to use standard updates.
Enabling delta updates will prevent Flow from querying for documents in your Snowflake table, which can reduce latency and costs for large datasets. If you're certain that all events will have unique keys, enabling delta updates is a simple way to improve performance with no effect on the output. However, enabling delta updates is not suitable for all workflows, as the resulting table in Snowflake won't be fully reduced.
You can enable delta updates on a per-binding basis:
- resource:
table: ${table_name}
delta_updates: true
source: ${PREFIX}/${source_collection}
Performance considerations
Optimizing performance for standard updates
When using standard updates for a large dataset, the collection key you choose can have a significant impact on materialization performance and efficiency.
Snowflake uses micro partitions to physically arrange data within tables. Each micro partition includes metadata, such as the minimum and maximum values for each column. If you choose a collection key that takes advantage of this metadata to help Snowflake prune irrelevant micro partitions, you'll see dramatically better performance.
For example, if you materialize a collection with a key of /user_id
, it will tend to perform far worse than a materialization of /date, /user_id
This is because most materializations tend to be roughly chronological over time, and that means that data is written to Snowflake in roughly /date
This means that updates of keys /date, /user_id
will need to physically read far fewer rows as compared to a key like /user_id
because those rows will tend to live in the same micro-partitions, and Snowflake is able to cheaply prune micro-partitions that aren't relevant to the transaction.
Snowpipe allows for loading data into target tables without waking up the warehouse, which can be cheaper and more performant. Snowpipe can be used for delta updates bindings, and it requires configuring your authentication using a private key. Instructions for configuring key-pair authentication can be found in this page: Key-pair Authentication & Snowpipe
Timestamp Data Type Mapping
Flow materializes timestamp data types as either TIMESTAMP_LTZ
columns in Snowflake. TIMESTAMP_LTZ
is used unless the
configuration is set to TIMESTAMP_TZ
which will cause Flow to use TIMESTAMP_TZ
columns. Flow never creates columns
. See Snowflake documentation on TIMESTAMP_TYPE_MAPPING
Reserved words
Snowflake has a list of reserved words that must be quoted in order to be used as an identifier. Flow automatically quotes fields that are in the reserved words list. You can find this list in Snowflake's documentation here and in the table below.
In Snowflake, objects created with quoted identifiers must always be referenced exactly as created, including the quotes. Otherwise, SQL statements and queries can result in errors. See the Snowflake docs.
Reserved words | ||
account | from | qualify |
all | full | regexp |
alter | grant | revoke |
and | group | right |
any | gscluster | rlike |
as | having | row |
between | ilike | rows |
by | in | sample |
case | increment | schema |
cast | inner | select |
check | insert | set |
column | intersect | some |
connect | into | start |
connection | is | table |
constraint | issue | tablesample |
create | join | then |
cross | lateral | to |
current | left | trigger |
current_date | like | true |
current_time | localtime | try_cast |
current_timestamp | localtimestamp | union |
current_user | minus | unique |
database | natural | update |
delete | not | using |
distinct | null | values |
drop | of | view |
else | on | when |
exists | or | whenever |
false | order | where |
following | organization | with |
for |