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This connector captures data from Braintree into Flow collections.

It is available for use in the Flow web application. For local development or open-source workflows, provides the latest version of the connector as a Docker image. You can also follow the link in your browser to see past image versions.

Supported data resources

The connector automatically discovers bindings for the Braintree resources listed below. By default, each resource is mapped to a Flow collection through a separate binding.

Full Refresh Streams

Incremental Streams


All incremental streams except Transactions only capture creates, not updates, of resources due to Braintree API limitations. To capture updates to these resources, periodic backfills are required. These backfills can be scheduled with the schedule resource config setting. By default, these streams backfill at 20:00 UTC every Friday.


To set up the Braintree source connector, you'll need the following from your Braintree account:

  1. Merchant ID
  2. Public Key
  3. Private Key


You configure connectors either in the Flow web app, or by directly editing the catalog specification file. See connectors to learn more about using connectors. The values and specification sample below provide configuration details specific to the Braintree source connector.



/merchant_idMerchant IDThe unique identifier for your Braintree gateway account.stringRequired
/start_dateStart DateUTC date and time in the format "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ". Any data before this date will not be replicated.string30 days prior to the current date
/credentials/public_keyPublic KeyBraintree Public Key.stringRequired
/credentials/private_keyPrivate KeyBraintree Private Key.stringRequired
/advanced/is_sandboxSandbox EnvironmentSet to true if the credentials are for a sandbox Braintree environment.booleanfalse
/advanced/window_sizeWindow SizeThe window size in hours to use when fetching data from Braintree. Typically, this is left as the default value unless the connector raises an error stating that the window size needs to be reduced.integer24


/nameData resourceName of the data resource.stringRequired
/intervalIntervalInterval between data syncsstringPT5M
/scheduleBackfill scheduleThe schedule for automatically backfilling this binding. Accepts a cron expression. For example, a schedule of 0 20 * * 5 means the binding will initiate a new backfill at 20:00 UTC every Friday. If left empty, the binding will not automatically backfill.string


merchant_id: my_merchant_id
start_date: "2024-12-04T00:00:00Z"
public_key: my_public_key
private_key: my_private_key
is_sandbox: false
window_size: 15
- resource:
name: add_ons
interval: PT5M
target: ${PREFIX}/add_ons
- resource:
name: credit_card_verifications
interval: PT5M
schedule: "0 20 * * 5"
target: ${PREFIX}/credit_card_verifications
- resource:
name: customers
interval: PT5M
schedule: "0 20 * * 5"
target: ${PREFIX}/customers
- resource:
name: discounts
interval: PT5M
target: ${PREFIX}/discounts
- resource:
name: disputes
interval: PT5M
schedule: "0 20 * * 5"
target: ${PREFIX}/disputes
- resource:
name: merchant_accounts
interval: PT5M
target: ${PREFIX}/merchant_accounts
- resource:
name: merchant_accounts
interval: PT5M
target: ${PREFIX}/merchant_accounts
- resource:
name: plans
interval: PT5M
target: ${PREFIX}/plans
- resource:
name: subscriptions
interval: PT5M
schedule: "0 20 * * 5"
target: ${PREFIX}/subscriptions
- resource:
name: transactions
interval: PT5M
target: ${PREFIX}/transactions