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Estuary allows users to configure email notifications on specific tenants to send out alerts when a task hasn't received data within a time window and when billing information has been updated.

In the Admin section of the Flow Web Application, navigate to the the Settings tab. Here you will be able to input your email to receive notifications from your tenant.

Data Movement Alerts

When navigating to the main view of a capture or a materialization, a user can select an interval for tracking zero data movement. Under the Nofitification Settiings card, select a time interval from the dropdown labeled Interval. There is no need to save, but you must also have already configured notifications in order for the alert to take into effect. If you are not yet subscribed to notifications, a pop up will appear prompting you to set up a subscribing by clicking on CLICK HERE.

If your task does not receive any new documents with the selected timeframe, an email will be sent to any email addresses that are subscribed to this tenant.

Billing Alerts

Billing alerts are automatically subscribed to when a user inputs their email into the Organization Notifications table. Alerts will be sent out for the following events:

  • Free Tier Started: A tenenat has transitioned into the free trial
  • Free Trial Ending: Five days are remaining in a tenant's free trial
  • Free Trial Ended: A tenant's free trial has ended
  • Provided Payment Method: A valid payment method has been provided for a tenant


/catalogPrefixPrefixSubscribe to notifications for this tenantstring
/emailEmailAlert the following email with all notificationsstring