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OracleDB (Flashback)

This connector captures data from OracleDB into Flow collections using Oracle Flashback.

It is available for use in the Flow web application. For local development or open-source workflows, provides the latest version of the connector as a Docker image. You can also follow the link in your browser to see past image versions.


  • Oracle 11g or above
  • Allow connections from Estuary Flow to your Oracle database (if they exist in separate VPCs)
  • Create a dedicated read-only Estuary Flow user with access to all tables needed for replication


Follow the steps below to set up the OracleDB connector.

Create a Dedicated User

Creating a dedicated database user with read-only access is recommended for better permission control and auditing.

  1. To create the user, run the following commands against your database:
CREATE USER estuary_flow_user IDENTIFIED BY <your_password_here>;
GRANT CREATE SESSION TO estuary_flow_user;
  1. Next, grant the user read-only access to the relevant tables. The simplest way is to grant read access to all tables in the schema as follows:
GRANT SELECT ANY TABLE TO estuary_flow_user;
GRANT FLASHBACK ANY TABLE to estuary_flow_user;
  1. Alternatively, you can be more granular and grant access to specific tables in different schemas:
GRANT SELECT ON "<schema_a>"."<table_1>" TO estuary_flow_user;
GRANT FLASHBACK ON "<schema_a>"."<table_1>" to estuary_flow_user;
GRANT SELECT ON "<schema_b>"."<table_2>" TO estuary_flow_user;
GRANT FLASHBACK ON "<schema_b>"."<table_2>" TO estuary_flow_user;

-- In this case you need to also grant access to metadata views
GRANT SELECT ON V$DATABASE TO estuary_flow_user;
  1. Finally you need to grant the user access to read metadata from the database:
  1. Your database user should now be ready for use with Estuary Flow.

Include Schemas for Discovery

In your Oracle configuration, you can specify the schemas that Flow should look at when discovering tables. The schema names are case-sensitive and will default to the upper-cased user if empty. If the user does not have access to the configured schemas, no tables will be discovered.


You configure connectors either in the Flow web app, or by directly editing the catalog specification file. See connectors to learn more about using connectors. The values and specification sample below provide configuration details specific to the OracleDB Flashback source connector.

To allow secure connections via SSH tunneling:



/addressAddressThe connection string for connecting to the database, either in the format of host:port/SID or a connect descriptor such as (address=(protocol=tcps)(host=...)...)stringRequired
/credentialsCredentialsCredentials for authenticating with the database. Wallet and Username & Password authentication are supported.object
/credentials/credentials_titleCredentials TitleAuthentication method to use, one of "Wallet" or "Username & Password"stringRequired
/credentials/usernameUsernameThe username which is used to access the database.stringRequired
/credentials/passwordPasswordThe password associated with the username.stringRequired
/credentials/tnsnamestnsnamesThe tnsnames.ora file from the wallet.string
/credentials/ewalletewalletThe ewallet.pem file from the wallet.string
/credentials/wallet_passwordWallet PasswordPassword of the wallet, if protected.string
/advanced/backfill_chunk_sizeBackfill Chunk SizeThe number of rows which should be fetched from the database in a single backfill query.integer50000
/advanced/skip_flashback_retention_checksSkip Flashback Retention ChecksSkip Flashback retention checks. Use this cautiously as we cannot guarantee consistency if Flashback retention is not sufficient.integerfalse
/advanced/default_intervalDefault IntervalDefault interval between updates for all resources. Can be overwritten by each resource.integerPT5M


/nameNameThe table namestringRequired
/schemaSchemaIn Oracle tables reside in a schema that points to the user that owns the table.stringRequired
/intervalIntervalInterval between updates for this resourcestringPT5M


address: ""
user: "flow_capture"
credentials_title: Username & Password
username: ADMIN
password: secret
privateKey: -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n...
sshEndpoint: ssh://ec2-user@

- resource:
name: ${TABLE_NAME}
interval: PT5M