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Apache Kafka

This connector materializes Flow collections into Apache Kafka topics. provides the latest connector image. You can also follow the link in your browser to see past image versions.

Messages with this connector are currently delivered using an at-least-once non-transactional mode of operation rather than exactly-once. Let us know if your use case requires transaction support.

If you want to integrate with a Kafka consumer without managing your own broker and registry, see the Dekaf connector instead.

Supported message formats

This connectors supports materializing Kafka messages encoded in Avro or JSON format.

For Avro messages, the connector must be configured to use a schema registry.

JSON messages may be materialized without a schema registry.


  • A Kafka cluster with:
    • bootstrap.servers configured so that clients may connect via the desired host and port
    • An authentication mechanism of choice set up
    • Connection security enabled with TLS
  • If using Avro message format with schema registry:
    • The endpoint to use for connecting to the schema registry
    • Username for authentication
    • Password for authentication

If you are using the Confluent Cloud Schema Registry, your schema registry username and password will be the key and secret from your schema registry API key. See the Confluent Cloud Schema Registry Documentation for help setting up a schema registry API key.

Authentication and connection security

A wide variety of authentication methods are available for Kafka clusters. Flow supports SASL/SCRAM-SHA-256, SASL/SCRAM-SHA-512, and SASL/PLAIN. When authentication details are not provided, the client connection will attempt to use PLAINTEXT (insecure) protocol.

If you don't already have authentication enabled on your cluster, Estuary recommends either of the listed SASL/SCRAM methods. With SCRAM, you set up a username and password, making it analogous to the traditional authentication mechanisms you use in other applications.


If you are connecting to Kafka hosted on Confluent Cloud, select the PLAIN SASL mechanism.

For connection security, Estuary recommends that you enable TLS encryption for your SASL mechanism of choice, as well as all other components of your cluster. Note that because TLS replaced now-deprecated SSL encryption, Kafka still uses the acronym "SSL" to refer to TLS encryption. See Confluent's documentation for details.


TLS encryption is currently the only supported connection security mechanism for this connector. Other connection security methods may be enabled in the future.


Use the below properties to configure the Apache Kafka materialization, which will direct one or more of your Flow collections to your desired topics.

Note that, by default, all top-level fields are recommended for materialization. You can also de-select unnecessary top-level fields or include additional nested fields in the "Field Selection" section of the resource configuration.



/bootstrap_serversBootstrap serversThe initial servers in the Kafka cluster to connect to, separated by commas.stringRequired
/message_formatMessage FormatFormat for materialized messages. Avro format requires a schema registry configuration. Messages in JSON format do not use a schema registry.stringRequired
/topic_partitionsTopic PartitionsThe number of partitions to create new topics with.integer6
/topic_replication_factorTopic Replication FactorThe replication factor to create new topics with.integer3
/credentialsCredentialsConnection details used to authenticate a client connection to Kafka via SASL.objectRequired
/tlsTLSTLS connection settings.string"system_certificates"
/credentials/auth_typeAuthentication typeThe type of authentication to use. Currently supports UserPassword.string
/credentials/mechanismSASL MechanismSASL mechanism describing how to exchange and authenticate client servers.string
/credentials/usernameUsernameUsername, if applicable for the authentication mechanism chosen.string
/credentials/passwordPasswordPassword, if applicable for the authentication mechanism chosen.string
/schema_registrySchema RegistryConnection details for interacting with a schema registry.object
/schema_registry/endpointSchema Registry EndpointSchema registry API endpoint. For example:
/schema_registry/usernameSchema Registry UsernameSchema registry username to use for authentication. If you are using Confluent Cloud, this will be the 'Key' from your schema registry API key.string
/schema_registry/passwordSchema Registry PasswordSchema registry password to use for authentication. If you are using Confluent Cloud, this will be the 'Secret' from your schema registry API key.string


/topicTopicName of the Kafka topic to materialize to.stringRequired


bootstrap_servers: server1:9092,server2:9092
tls: system_certificates
auth_type: UserPassword
mechanism: SCRAM-SHA-512
username: bruce.wayne
password: definitely-not-batman
username: schemaregistry.username
password: schemaregistry.password
- resource:
topic: ${TOPIC_NAME}

Delta updates

This connector supports delta updates for materializing documents.