Amazon RDS for SQL Server
This connector materializes Flow collections into tables in a Microsoft SQLServer database.
It is available for use in the Flow web application. For local development or
open-source workflows,
provides the latest version of the connector as a Docker image. You can also follow the link in your browser to see past image versions.
To use this connector, you'll need:
- A SQLServer database to which to materialize, and user credentials.
- SQLServer 2017 and later are supported
- The connector will create new tables in the database per your specification, so user credentials must have access to create new tables.
- At least one Flow collection
Setup Amazon RDS for SQL Server
Allow connections between the database and Estuary Flow. There are two ways to do this: by granting direct access to Flow's IP or by creating an SSH tunnel.
To allow direct access:
- Modify the database, setting Public accessibility to Yes.
- Edit the VPC security group associated with your database, or create a new VPC security group and associate it as described in the Amazon documentation.Create a new inbound rule and a new outbound rule that allow all traffic from the Estuary Flow IP addresses.
To allow secure connections via SSH tunneling:
- Follow the guide to configure an SSH server for tunneling
- When you configure your connector as described in the configuration section above, including the additional
configuration to enable the SSH tunnel. See Connecting to endpoints on secure networks for additional details and a sample.
In your SQL client, connect to your instance as the default
user and issue the following commands.
USE <database>;
-- Create user and password for use with the connector.
CREATE LOGIN flow_materialize WITH PASSWORD = 'secret';
CREATE USER flow_materialize FOR LOGIN flow_materialize;
-- Grant control on the database to flow_materialize
GRANT CONTROL ON DATABASE::<database> TO flow_materialize;
- In the RDS console, note the instance's Endpoint and Port. You'll need these for the
property when you configure the connector.
Connecting to SQLServer
Allow connections between the database and Estuary Flow. There are two ways to do this: by granting direct access to Flow's IP or by creating an SSH tunnel.
To allow direct access:
- Modify the database, setting Public accessibility to Yes.
- Edit the VPC security group associated with your database, or create a new VPC security group and associate it as described in the Amazon documentation. Create a new inbound rule and a new outbound rule that allow all traffic from the Estuary Flow IP addresses.
To allow secure connections via SSH tunneling:
- Follow the guide to configure an SSH server for tunneling
- When you configure your connector as described in the configuration section above, including the additional
configuration to enable the SSH tunnel. See Connecting to endpoints on secure networks for additional details and a sample.
In your SQL client, connect to your instance as the default
user and issue the following commands.
USE <database>;
-- Create user and password for use with the connector.
CREATE LOGIN flow_materialize WITH PASSWORD = 'Secret123!';
CREATE USER flow_materialize FOR LOGIN flow_materialize;
-- Grant control on the database to flow_materialize
GRANT CONTROL ON DATABASE::<database> TO flow_materialize;
- In the RDS console, note the instance's Endpoint and Port. You'll need these for the
property when you configure the connector.
To use this connector, begin with data in one or more Flow collections. Use the below properties to configure a SQLServer materialization, which will direct one or more of your Flow collections to your desired tables, or views, in the database.
Property | Title | Description | Type | Required/Default |
/database | Database | Name of the logical database to materialize to. | string | Required |
/address | Address | Host and port of the database. If only the host is specified, port will default to 3306 . | string | Required |
/password | Password | Password for the specified database user. | string | Required |
/user | User | Database user to connect as. | string | Required |
Property | Title | Description | Type | Required/Default |
/table | Table | Table name to materialize to. It will be created by the connector, unless the connector has previously created it. | string | Required |
/delta_updates | Delta Update | Should updates to this table be done via delta updates. | boolean | false |
database: flow
address: localhost:5432
password: flow
user: flow
- resource:
table: ${TABLE_NAME}
Delta updates
This connector supports both standard (merge) and delta updates. The default is to use standard updates.
Reserved words
SQLServer has a list of reserved words that must be quoted in order to be used as an identifier. Flow considers all the reserved words in the official SQLServer documentation.
These reserved words are listed in the table below. Flow automatically quotes fields that are in this list.
Reserved words | ||||
absolute | connect | else | intersect | on |
action | connection | end | intersection | only |
ada | constraint | end-exec | interval | open |
add | constraints | equals | into | opendatasourc |
admin | constructor | errlvl | is | openquery |
after | contains | escape | isolation | openrowset |
aggregate | containstable | every | iterate | openxml |
alias | continue | except | join | operation |
all | convert | exception | key | option |
allocate | corr | exec | kill | or |
alter | corresponding | execute | language | order |
and | count | exists | large | ordinality |
any | covar_pop | exit | last | out |
are | covar_samp | external | lateral | outer |
array | create | extract | leading | output |
as | cross | false | left | over |
asc | cube | fetch | less | overlaps |
asensitive | cume_dist | file | level | overlay |
assertion | current | fillfactor | like | pad |
asymmetric | current_catal | filter | like_regex | parameter |
at | current_date | first | limit | parameters |
atomic | current_defau | float | lineno | partial |
authorization | current_path | for | ln | partition |
avg | current_role | foreign | load | pascal |
backup | current_schem | fortran | local | path |
before | current_time | found | localtime | percent |
begin | current_times | free | localtimestam | percent_rank |
between | current_trans | freetext | locator | percentile_co |
binary | current_user | freetexttable | lower | percentile_di |
bit | cursor | from | map | pivot |
bit_length | cycle | full | match | plan |
blob | data | fulltexttable | max | position |
boolean | database | function | member | position_rege |
both | date | fusion | merge | postfix |
breadth | day | general | method | precision |
break | dbcc | get | min | prefix |
browse | deallocate | global | minute | preorder |
bulk | dec | go | mod | prepare |
by | decimal | goto | modifies | preserve |
call | declare | grant | modify | primary |
called | default | group | module | |
cardinality | deferrable | grouping | month | prior |
cascade | deferred | having | multiset | privileges |
cascaded | delete | hold | names | proc |
case | deny | holdlock | national | procedure |
cast | depth | host | natural | public |
catalog | deref | hour | nchar | raiserror |
char | desc | identity | nclob | range |
char_length | describe | identity_inse | new | read |
character | descriptor | identitycol | next | reads |
character_len | destroy | if | no | readtext |
check | destructor | ignore | nocheck | real |
checkpoint | deterministic | immediate | nonclustered | reconfigure |
class | diagnostics | in | none | recursive |
clob | dictionary | include | normalize | ref |
close | disconnect | index | not | references |
clustered | disk | indicator | null | referencing |
coalesce | distinct | initialize | nullif | regr_avgx |
collate | distributed | initially | numeric | regr_avgy |
collation | domain | inner | object | regr_count |
collect | double | inout | occurrences_r | regr_intercep |
column | drop | input | octet_length | regr_r2 |
commit | dump | insensitive | of | regr_slope |
completion | dynamic | insert | off | regr_sxx |
compute | each | int | offsets | regr_sxy |
condition | element | integer | old | regr_syy |
relative | semanticsimil | structure | truncate | window |
release | semanticsimil | submultiset | try_convert | with |
replication | sensitive | substring | tsequal | within |
restore | sequence | substring_reg | uescape | within |
restrict | session | sum | under | without |
result | session_user | symmetric | union | work |
return | set | system | unique | write |
returns | sets | system_user | unknown | writetext |
revert | setuser | table | unnest | xmlagg |
revoke | shutdown | tablesample | unpivot | xmlattributes |
right | similar | temporary | update | xmlbinary |
role | size | terminate | updatetext | xmlcast |
rollback | smallint | textsize | upper | xmlcomment |
rollup | some | than | usage | xmlconcat |
routine | space | then | use | xmldocument |
row | specific | time | user | xmlelement |
rowcount | specifictype | timestamp | using | xmlexists |
rowguidcol | sql | timezone_hour | value | xmlforest |
rows | sqlca | timezone_minu | values | xmliterate |
rule | sqlcode | to | var_pop | xmlnamespaces |
save | sqlerror | top | var_samp | xmlparse |
savepoint | sqlexception | trailing | varchar | xmlpi |
schema | sqlstate | tran | variable | xmlquery |
scope | sqlwarning | transaction | varying | xmlserialize |
scroll | start | translate | view | xmltable |
search | state | translate_reg | waitfor | xmltext |
second | statement | translation | when | xmlvalidate |
section | static | treat | whenever | year |
securityaudit | statistics | trigger | where | zone |
select | stddev_pop | trim | while | |
semantickeyph | stddev_samp | true | width_bucket |
The changelog includes a list of breaking changes made to this connector. Backwards-compatible changes are not listed.
Proceed with caution when editing materializations created with previous versions of this connector; editing always upgrades your materialization to the latest connector version.
V1: 2023-09-01
- First version