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Connecting to Estuary Flow from Kafka using Dekaf

Dekaf is Estuary Flow's Kafka API compatibility layer, allowing consumers to read data from Estuary Flow collections as if they were Kafka topics. Additionally, Dekaf provides a schema registry API for managing schemas. This guide will walk you through the steps to connect to Estuary Flow using Dekaf and its schema registry.


  • Collections represent datasets within Estuary Flow. All captured documents are written to a collection, and all materialized documents are read from a collection.
  • Dekaf enables you to interact with these collections as though they were Kafka topics, providing seamless integration with existing Kafka-based tools and workflows.

Key Features

  • Kafka Topic Emulation: Access Estuary Flow collections as if they were Kafka topics.
  • Schema Registry Emulation: Manage and retrieve schemas assigned to Estuary Flow collections, emulating Confluent's Schema Registry.

Connection Details

To connect to Estuary Flow via Dekaf, use the following connection details in conjunction with a Dekaf materialization connector:

  • Broker Address:
  • Schema Registry Address:
  • Security Protocol: SASL_SSL
  • SASL Mechanism: PLAIN
  • SASL Username: The task name of your Dekaf materialization
  • SASL Password: The auth token from your Dekaf materialization
  • Schema Registry Username: The task name of your Dekaf materialization
  • Schema Registry Password: The auth token from your Dekaf materialization

How to Connect to Dekaf

1. Create a Dekaf materialization connector

  1. From the Estuary dashboard, navigate to the Destinations tab.

  2. Click New Materialization and choose a Dekaf connector.

    • There are several Dekaf connector variations besides the generic "Dekaf," such as Tinybird. Currently, they don't behave appreciably differently from each other. You may use the different variations to keep your data organized, manage what data you share, and see at a glance where your data is going.
  3. Provide a name and auth token to your materialization.

    • The full task name, which includes your materialization name, will be used as the username when consumers connect to Dekaf.

    • The auth token that you provide will be used as the password when consumers connect to Dekaf. Make sure to use a secure token.

  4. (Optional) Adjust additional configuration details, such as the Strict Topic Names or Deletion Mode settings.

  5. Choose data collections to materialize. Click Source from capture or add individual collections.

    • Each collection you add to the materialization will be available for consumers to read as a topic. By default, the topic name is the collection name.
  6. Select Next, then Save and Publish.

2. Set Up Your Kafka Client

Configure your Kafka client using the connection details provided.

Example Kafka Client Configuration

Below is an example configuration for a Kafka client using Python’s kafka-python library:

from kafka import KafkaConsumer

# Configuration details
conf = {
'bootstrap_servers': '',
'security_protocol': 'SASL_SSL',
'sasl_mechanism': 'PLAIN',
'sasl_plain_username': 'Your_Org/Your_Prefix/Your_Materialization',
'sasl_plain_password': 'Your_Auth_Token',
'group_id': 'your_group_id',
'auto_offset_reset': 'earliest'

# Create Consumer instance
consumer = KafkaConsumer(
value_deserializer=lambda x: x.decode('utf-8')

# Poll for messages
for msg in consumer:
print(f"Received message: {msg.value}")
except KeyboardInterrupt:

You can also use kcat (formerly known as kafkacat) to test reading messages from an Estuary Flow collection as if it were a Kafka topic.

kcat -C \
-X \
-X security.protocol=SASL_SSL \
-X sasl.mechanism=PLAIN \
-X sasl.username="Your_Org/Your_Prefix/Your_Materialization" \
-X sasl.password="Your_Auth_Token" \
-b \
-t "Your_Topic_Name" \
-p 0 \
-o beginning \
-s avro \
-r https://{Your_Org/Your_Prefix/Your_Materialization}:{Your_Auth_Token}