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Materialization Protocol

Materializations are processed as cooperative transactions between the Flow Runtime and a connector Driver, over a long-lived RPC through which the Runtime and Driver exchange messages.

This RPC workflow maintains a materialized view of a Flow collection in an external system. It has distinct acknowledge, load, and store phases. The Flow runtime and driver cooperatively maintain a fully-reduced view of each document by loading current states from the store, reducing in a number of updates, and then storing updated documents and checkpoints.

Sequence Diagram

As a convention and to reduce ambiguity, message types from the Runtime are named in an imperative fashion (Load), while responses from the driver always have a past-tense name (Loaded):

sequenceDiagram Runtime->>Driver: Open{MaterializationSpec, driverCP} Note right of Driver: Connect to endpoint.<br/>Optionally fetch last-committed<br/>runtime checkpoint. Driver->>Runtime: Opened{runtimeCP} Note over Runtime, Driver: One-time initialization ☝️.<br/> 👇 Repeats for each transaction. Note left of Runtime: Prior txn commits<br/>to recovery log. Note right of Driver: Prior txn commits to DB<br/>(where applicable). Runtime->>Driver: Acknowledge Note right of Runtime: Acknowledged MAY be sent<br/>before Acknowledge. Note right of Driver: MAY perform an idempotent<br/>apply of last txn. Note left of Runtime: Runtime does NOT await<br/>Acknowledged before<br/>proceeding to send Load. Driver->>Runtime: Acknowledged Note left of Runtime: Runtime may now finalize<br/>a pipelined transaction. Note over Runtime, Driver: End of Acknowledge phase. Runtime->>Driver: Load<A> Note left of Runtime: Load keys may<br/> not exist (yet). Runtime->>Driver: Load<B> Note right of Driver: MAY evaluate Load immediately,<br/>or stage for deferred retrieval. Driver->>Runtime: Loaded<A> Runtime->>Driver: Load<C> Runtime->>Driver: Flush Driver->>Runtime: Loaded<C> Note right of Driver: Omits Loaded for keys<br/>that don't exist. Driver->>Runtime: Flushed Note left of Runtime: All existing keys<br/>have been retrieved. Note over Runtime, Driver: End of Load phase. Runtime->>Driver: Store<X> Runtime->>Driver: Store<Y> Runtime->>Driver: Store<Z> Runtime->>Driver: StartCommit{runtimeCP} Note right of Driver: * Completes all Store processing.<br/>* MAY include runtimeCP in DB txn. Note right of Driver: Commit to DB<br/>now underway. Driver->>Runtime: StartedCommit{driverCP} Note left of Runtime: Begins commit to<br/> recovery log. Note over Runtime, Driver: End of Store phase. Loops around<br/>to Acknowledge <=> Acknowledged.

Exactly-Once Semantics

The central tenant of transactional materializations is this: there is a consumption checkpoint, and there is a state of the view. As the materialization progresses, both the checkpoint and the view state will change. Updates to the checkpoint and to the view state MUST always commit together, in the exact same transaction.

Flow materialization tasks have a backing transactional recovery log, which is capable of durable commits that update both the checkpoint and also a (reasonably small) driver-defined state. More on driver states later.

Many interesting endpoint systems are also fully transactional in nature.

When implementing a materialization driver, the first question an implementor must answer is: whose commit is authoritative? Flow's recovery log, or the materialized system? This protocol supports either.

Common Implementation Patterns

There are a few common implementation patterns for materializations. The choice of pattern depends on the transaction capabilities of the remote endpoint.

Remote Store is Authoritative

In this pattern, the remote store (for example, a database) persists view states and the Flow consumption checkpoints which those views reflect. There are many such checkpoints: one per task split, and in this pattern the Flow recovery log is effectively ignored.

Typically this workflow runs in the context of a synchronous BEGIN/COMMIT transaction, which updates table states and a Flow checkpoint together. The transaction need be scoped only to the store phase of this workflow, as the materialization protocol requires only read-committed isolation semantics.

Flow is a distributed system, and an important consideration is the effect of a "zombie" assignment of a materialization task, which can race a newly-promoted assignment of that same task.

Fencing is a technique which uses the transactional capabilities of a store to "fence off" an older zombie assignment, such that it's prevented from committing further transactions. This avoids a failure mode where:

  • New assignment N recovers a checkpoint at Ti.
  • Zombie assignment Z commits another transaction at Ti+1.
  • N beings processing from Ti, inadvertently duplicating the effects of Ti+1.

When a remote store is authoritative, it must implement fencing behavior. As a sketch, the store can maintain a nonce value alongside the checkpoint of each task split. The nonce is updated on each open of this RPC, and each commit transaction then verifies that the nonce has not been changed.

In the future, if another RPC opens and updates the nonce, it fences off this instance of the task split and prevents it from committing further transactions.

Recovery Log with Non-Transactional Store

In this pattern, the runtime's recovery log persists the Flow checkpoint and handles fencing semantics. During the Load and Store phases, the driver directly manipulates a non-transactional store or API, such as a key/value store.

Note that this pattern is at-least-once. A transaction may fail part-way through and be restarted, causing its effects to be partially or fully replayed.

Care must be taken if the collection's schema has reduction annotations such as sum, as those reductions may be applied more than once due to a partially completed, but ultimately failed transaction.

If the collection's schema is last-write-wins, this mode still provides effectively-once behavior. Collections which aren't last-write-wins can be turned into last-write-wins through the use of derivations.

Recovery Log with Idempotent Apply

In this pattern the recovery log is authoritative, but the driver uses external stable storage to stage the effects of a transaction -- rather than directly applying them to the store -- such that those effects can be idempotently applied after the transaction commits.

This allows stores which feature a weaker transaction guarantee to still be used in an exactly-once way, so long as they support an idempotent apply operation.

Driver checkpoints can facilitate this pattern. For example, a driver might generate a unique filename in S3 and reference it in its prepared checkpoint, which is committed to the recovery log. During the "store" phase, it writes to this S3 file. After the transaction commits, it tells the store of the new file to incorporate. The store must handle idempotency, by applying the effects of the unique file just once, even if told of the file multiple times.

A related extension of this pattern is for the driver to embed a Flow checkpoint into its driver checkpoint. Doing so allows the driver to express an intention to restart from an older alternative checkpoint, as compared to the most recent committed checkpoint of the recovery log.

As mentioned above, it's crucial that store states and checkpoints commit together. While seemingly bending that rule, this pattern is consistent with it because, on commit, the semantic contents of the store include BOTH its base state, as well as the staged idempotent update. The store just may not know it yet, but eventually it must because of the retried idempotent apply.

Note the driver must therefore ensure that staged updates are fully applied before returning Loaded responses, in order to provide the correct read-committed semantics required by the Flow runtime.

Push-only Endpoints & Delta Updates

Some systems, such as APIs, Webhooks, and Pub/Sub, are push-only in nature. Flow materializations can run in a "delta updates" mode, where loads are always skipped and Flow does not attempt to store fully-reduced documents. Instead, during the store phase, the runtime sends delta updates which reflect the combined roll-up of collection documents processed only within this transaction.

To illustrate the meaning of a delta update, consider documents which are simple counters, having a collection schema that uses a sum reduction strategy.

Without delta updates, Flow would reduce documents -1, 3, and 2 by sum to arrive at document 4, which is stored. The next transaction, document 4 is loaded and reduced with 6, -7, and -1 to arrive at a new stored document 2. This document, 2, represents the full reduction of the collection documents materialized thus far.

Compare to delta updates mode: collection documents -1, 3, and 2 are combined to store a delta-update document of 4. The next transaction starts anew, and 6, -7, and -1 combine to arrive at a delta-update document of -2. These delta updates are a windowed combine over documents seen in the current transaction only, and unlike before are not a full reduction of the document. If delta updates were written to pub/sub, note that a subscriber could further reduce over each delta update to recover the fully reduced document of 2.

Note that many use cases require only lastWriteWins reduction behavior, and for these use cases delta updates does the "right thing" by trivially re-writing each document with its most recent version. This matches the behavior of Kafka Connect, for example.

Protocol Phases


Acknowledge and Acknowledged are always the first messages sent every transaction, including the very first transaction of an RPC. The Runtime sends Acknowledge to indicate that the last transaction has committed to the recovery log. The Driver sends Acknowledged to indicate that its endpoint transaction has committed.

Acknowledge and Acknowledged are not ordered. Acknowledged may be sent before Acknowledge and vice versa.

The Runtime does not wait for Acknowledged before sending Load messages. In most cases the Driver should simply not read these Load messages until it has completed its own commit and sent its own Acknowledged.

A Driver MAY instead process its commit and acknowledgment in the background while actively reading Load messages. It MUST NOT evaluate Loads yet, as this could otherwise be a violation of read-committed semantics, but it MAY stage them for deferred evaluation. This is recommended for Drivers that have very long commit and/or acknowledgement operations. While a background commit progresses the Flow runtime will optimistically pipeline the next transaction, processing documents and preparing for when the Driver sends Acknowledged.

Drivers following the "Recovery Log with Idempotent Apply" pattern must take care to properly handle the very first acknowledgement phase of an RPC. At startup, a driver cannot know if the last commit has been acknowledged. For example, a previous RPC invocation may have failed immediately after commit but prior to acknowledgement. The Driver must thus idempotent-ly apply or re-apply changes staged by a prior Driver invocation, and reply with Acknowledged only once done.

Drivers with transactional semantics SHOULD send Acknowledged immediately after a previous, started commit completes.

Drivers with at-least-once semantics SHOULD send Acknowledged immediately after sending StartedCommit.


Zero or more Load messages are sent by the Runtime with documents to fetch. A given document key will appear at most once in a transaction, and will not be repeated across Load messages.

Drivers may immediately evaluate each Load and respond, or may queue many keys to load and defer their evaluation. The Runtime does not await any individual Load requests.

After the previous transaction has fully completed, and the driver has sent Acknowledged to the Runtime, the current transaction may begin to close.

The Runtime indicates this by sending a Flush message, which is NEVER sent before Acknowledged is received. Acknowledged is thus an important signal as to when the Runtime may begin to finalize an optimistic, pipelined transaction.

On reading Flush, Drivers must process all remaining Load messages, including any deferred evaluations, and send all Loaded responses prior to sending its own Flushed response.

This signals to the Runtime that all documents which can be loaded have been loaded, and the transaction proceeds to the Store phase.

Materialization bindings which are processing in delta-updates mode will never receive a Load message, but will receive a Flush and must still respond with Flushed.


Zero or more Store messages are sent by the Runtime to the Driver, indicating keys, documents, and extracted fields to store. No response is required of the Driver for these messages.

Once all documents have been stored, the Runtime sends a StartCommit message which carries its opaque runtime checkpoint.

Drivers implementing the "Remote Store is Authoritative" pattern must include the runtime checkpoint in its current transaction, for retrieval in a future Open of a new transactions RPC. Other driver patterns MAY ignore this checkpoint.

On reading StartCommit the driver ensures that all Store messages have been processed. It begins to commit its own transaction (where applicable), and then responds with StartedCommit which contain an update to the driver's checkpoint.

On the Runtime's receipt of StartedCommit, the Runtime now knows that all Store messages have been fully processed. It preserves the updated Driver checkpoint in its recovery log and begins to commit.

From here, the protocol loops back around to the Acknowledge phase.