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Connectors bridge the gap between Flow and the various endpoints from which you capture or to which you materialize data.

Supported connectors are all available to you within the Flow web application. From a technical perspective, they're packaged as Docker images, each encapsulating the details of working with a particular external system.

All connectors available in Flow are open-source, and many of them were built by Estuary. Estuary connectors are dual-licensed under Apache 2.0 or MIT. Flow also supports open-source connectors built by third parties, which Estuary independently tests and may alter slightly for optimal performance within the Flow ecosystem.

Estuary’s vision is to provide a common runtime against which any open connector may be run. To that end, Flow currently supports the Airbyte specification as well as Flow’s low-latency gRPC protocols for captures and materializations.

Using connectors

Most — if not all — of your Data Flows will use at least one connector. You configure connectors within capture or materialization specifications. When you publish one of these entities, you're also deploying all the connectors it uses.

You can interact with connectors using either the Flow web application or the flowctl CLI.

Flow web application

The Flow web application is designed to assist you with connector configuration and deployment. It's a completely no-code experience, but it's compatible with Flow's command line tools, discussed below.

When you add a capture or materialization in the Flow web app, choose the desired data system from the Connector drop-down menu.

The required fields for the connector appear below the drop-down. When you fill in the fields and click Discover Endpoint, Flow automatically "discovers" the data streams or tables — known as resources — associated with the endpoint system. From there, you can refine the configuration, save, and publish the resulting Flow specification.

GitOps and flowctl

Connectors are packaged as Open Container (Docker) images, and can be tagged, and pulled using Docker Hub, GitHub Container registry, or any other public image registry provider.

To interface with a connector, the Flow runtime needs to know:

  1. The specific image to use, through an image name such as Notice that the image name also conveys the specific image registry and version tag to use.

  2. Endpoint configuration such as a database address and account, with meaning that is specific to the connector.

  3. Resource configuration such as a specific database table to capture, which is also specific to the connector.

To integrate a connector into your dataflow, you must define all three components within your Flow specification.

The web application is intended to help you generate the Flow specification. From there, you can use flowctl to refine it in your local environment. It's also possible to manually write your Flow specification files, but this isn't the recommended workflow.

# 1: Provide the image that implements your endpoint connector.
# The `dev` tag uses the most recent version (the web app chooses this tag automatically)
# 2: Provide endpoint configuration that the connector requires.
address: localhost:5432
password: password
database: postgres
user: postgres
- source: acmeCo/products/anvils
# 3: Provide resource configuration for the binding between the Flow
# collection and the endpoint resource. This connector interfaces
# with a SQL database and its resources are database tables. Here,
# we provide a table to create and materialize which is bound to the
# `acmeCo/products/anvils` source collection.
table: anvil_products

# Multiple resources can be configured through a single connector.
# Bind additional collections to tables as part of this connector instance:
- source: acmeCo/products/TNT
table: tnt_products

- source: acmeCo/customers
table: customers


Because connectors interface with external systems, each requires a slightly different endpoint configuration. Here you specify information such as a database hostname or account credentials — whatever that specific connector needs to function.

If you're working directly with Flow specification files, you have the option of including the configuration inline or storing it in separate files:

address: localhost:5432
password: password
database: postgres
user: postgres
bindings: []

Storing configuration in separate files serves two important purposes:

  • Re-use of configuration across multiple captures or materializations
  • The ability to protect sensitive credentials

Connecting to endpoints on secure networks

In some cases, your source or destination endpoint may be within a secure network, and you may not be able to allow direct access to its port due to your organization's security policy.


If permitted by your organization, a quicker solution is to allowlist the Estuary IP addresses

For help completing this task on different cloud hosting platforms, see the documentation for the connector you're using.

SHH tunneling, or port forwarding, provides a means for Flow to access the port indirectly through an SSH server. SSH tunneling is available in Estuary connectors for endpoints that use a network address for connection.

To set up and configure the SSH server, see the guide. Then, add the appropriate properties when you define the capture or materialization in the Flow web app, or add the networkTunnel stanza directly to the YAML, as shown below.


database: flow
user: flow_user
password: secret
# Location of the remote SSH server that supports tunneling.
# Formatted as ssh://user@hostname[:port].
sshEndpoint: ssh://sshUser@
# Private key to connect to the SSH server, formatted as multiline plaintext.
# Use the YAML literal block style with the indentation indicator.
# See for details.
privateKey: |2
bindings: []

Why an open connector architecture?

Historically, data platforms have directly implemented integrations to external systems with which they interact. Today, there are simply so many systems and APIs that companies use, that it’s not feasible for a company to provide all possible integrations. Users are forced to wait indefinitely while the platform works through their prioritized integration list.

An open connector architecture removes Estuary — or any company — as a bottleneck in the development of integrations. Estuary contributes open-source connectors to the ecosystem, and in turn is able to leverage connectors implemented by others. Users are empowered to write their own connectors for esoteric systems not already covered by the ecosystem.

Furthermore, implementing a Docker-based community specification brings other important qualities to Estuary connectors:

  • Cross-platform interoperability between Flow, Airbyte, and any other platform that supports the protocol
  • The abilities to write connectors in any language and run them on any machine
  • Built-in solutions for version management (through image tags) and distribution
  • The ability to integrate connectors from different sources at will, without the centralized control of a single company, thanks to container image registries

In order to be reflected in the Flow web app and used on the managed Flow platform, connectors must be reviewed and added by the Estuary team. Have a connector you'd like to add? Contact us.

Available connectors

Learn about available connectors in the reference section