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This connector uses change data capture (CDC) to continuously capture updates in a PostgreSQL database into one or more Flow collections.

It is available for use in the Flow web application. For local development or open-source workflows, provides the latest version of the connector as a Docker image. You can also follow the link in your browser to see past image versions.

For managed PostgreSQL insteances that do not support logical replication, we offer a PostgreSQL Batch Connector as an alternative.

Supported versions and platforms

This connector supports PostgreSQL versions 10.0 and later on major cloud platforms, as well as self-hosted instances.

Setup instructions are provided for the following platforms:


You'll need a PostgreSQL database setup with the following:

  • Logical replication enabledwal_level=logical
  • User role with REPLICATION attribute
  • A replication slot. This represents a “cursor” into the PostgreSQL write-ahead log from which change events can be read.
    • Optional; if none exist, one will be created by the connector.
    • If you wish to run multiple captures from the same database, each must have its own slot. You can create these slots yourself, or by specifying a name other than the default in the advanced configuration.
  • A publication. This represents the set of tables for which change events will be reported.
    • In more restricted setups, this must be created manually, but can be created automatically if the connector has suitable permissions.
  • A watermarks table. The watermarks table is a small “scratch space” to which the connector occasionally writes a small amount of data to ensure accuracy when backfilling preexisting table contents.
    • In more restricted setups, this must be created manually, but can be created automatically if the connector has suitable permissions.
Configuration Tip

To configure this connector to capture data from databases hosted on your internal network, you must set up SSH tunneling. For more specific instructions on setup, see configure connections with SSH tunneling.


To meet these requirements, follow the steps for your hosting type.

Self-hosted PostgreSQL

The simplest way to meet the above prerequisites is to change the WAL level and have the connector use a database superuser role.

For a more restricted setup, create a new user with just the required permissions as detailed in the following steps:

  1. Connect to your instance and create a new user and password:
  1. Assign the appropriate role.

    1. If using PostgreSQL v14 or later:
    GRANT pg_read_all_data TO flow_capture;
    1. If using an earlier version:
    GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public, <other_schema> TO flow_capture;
    GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA information_schema, pg_catalog TO flow_capture;

    where <other_schema> lists all schemas that will be captured from.


    If an even more restricted set of permissions is desired, you can also grant SELECT on just the specific table(s) which should be captured from. The ‘information_schema’ and ‘pg_catalog’ access is required for stream auto-discovery, but not for capturing already configured streams.

  2. Create the watermarks table, grant privileges, and create publication:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.flow_watermarks (slot TEXT PRIMARY KEY, watermark TEXT);
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON TABLE public.flow_watermarks TO flow_capture;
CREATE PUBLICATION flow_publication;
ALTER PUBLICATION flow_publication SET (publish_via_partition_root = true);
ALTER PUBLICATION flow_publication ADD TABLE public.flow_watermarks, <other_tables>;

where <other_tables> lists all tables that will be captured from. The publish_via_partition_root setting is recommended (because most users will want changes to a partitioned table to be captured under the name of the root table) but is not required.

  1. Set WAL level to logical:
ALTER SYSTEM SET wal_level = logical;
  1. Restart PostgreSQL to allow the WAL level change to take effect.

Amazon Aurora

You must apply some of the settings to the entire Aurora DB cluster, and others to a database instance within the cluster. For each step, take note of which entity you're working with.

  1. Allow connections between the database and Estuary Flow. There are two ways to do this: by granting direct access to Flow's IP or by creating an SSH tunnel.

    1. To allow direct access:

      • Modify the instance, choosing Publicly accessible in the Connectivity settings.
      • Edit the VPC security group associated with your instance, or create a new VPC security group and associate it with the instance as described in the Amazon documentation. Create a new inbound rule and a new outbound rule that allow all traffic from the Estuary Flow IP addresses.
    2. To allow secure connections via SSH tunneling:

  2. Enable logical replication on your Aurora DB cluster.

    1. Create a parameter group. Create a unique name and description and set the following properties:

      • Family: aurora-postgresql13, or substitute the version of Aurora PostgreSQL used for your cluster.
      • Type: DB Cluster Parameter group
    2. Modify the new parameter group and set rds.logical_replication=1.

    3. Associate the parameter group with the DB cluster.

    4. Reboot the cluster to allow the new parameter group to take effect.

  3. In the PostgreSQL client, connect to your instance and run the following commands to create a new user for the capture with appropriate permissions, and set up the watermarks table and publication.

CREATE USER flow_capture WITH PASSWORD 'secret';
GRANT rds_replication TO flow_capture;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.flow_watermarks (slot TEXT PRIMARY KEY, watermark TEXT);
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON TABLE public.flow_watermarks TO flow_capture;
CREATE PUBLICATION flow_publication;
ALTER PUBLICATION flow_publication SET (publish_via_partition_root = true);
ALTER PUBLICATION flow_publication ADD TABLE public.flow_watermarks, <other_tables>;

where <other_tables> lists all tables that will be captured from. The publish_via_partition_root setting is recommended (because most users will want changes to a partitioned table to be captured under the name of the root table) but is not required.

  1. In the RDS console, note the instance's Endpoint and Port. You'll need these for the address property when you configure the connector.

Azure Database for PostgreSQL

  1. Allow connections between the database and Estuary Flow. There are two ways to do this: by granting direct access to Flow's IP or by creating an SSH tunnel.

    1. To allow direct access:

    2. To allow secure connections via SSH tunneling:

  2. In your Azure PostgreSQL instance's support parameters, set replication to logical to enable logical replication.

  3. In the PostgreSQL client, connect to your instance and run the following commands to create a new user for the capture with appropriate permissions.

  • If using PostgreSQL v14 or later:
GRANT pg_read_all_data TO flow_capture;
  • If using an earlier version:

    GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public, <others> TO flow_capture;
    GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA information_schema, pg_catalog TO flow_capture;

    where <others> lists all schemas that will be captured from.


    If an even more restricted set of permissions is desired, you can also grant SELECT on just the specific table(s) which should be captured from. The ‘information_schema’ and ‘pg_catalog’ access is required for stream auto-discovery, but not for capturing already configured streams.

  1. Set up the watermarks table and publication.
GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public, <others> TO flow_capture;
GRANT SELECT ON information_schema.columns, information_schema.tables, pg_catalog.pg_attribute, pg_catalog.pg_class, pg_catalog.pg_index, pg_catalog.pg_namespace TO flow_capture;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.flow_watermarks (slot TEXT PRIMARY KEY, watermark TEXT);
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON TABLE public.flow_watermarks TO flow_capture;
CREATE PUBLICATION flow_publication;
ALTER PUBLICATION flow_publication SET (publish_via_partition_root = true);
ALTER PUBLICATION flow_publication ADD TABLE public.flow_watermarks, <other_tables>;
  1. Note the following important items for configuration:

    • Find the instance's host under Server Name, and the port under Connection Strings (usually 5432). Together, you'll use the host:port as the address property when you configure the connector.
    • Format user as username@databasename; for example, flow_capture@myazuredb.

Backfills and performance considerations

When the a PostgreSQL capture is initiated, by default, the connector first backfills, or captures the targeted tables in their current state. It then transitions to capturing change events on an ongoing basis.

This is desirable in most cases, as in ensures that a complete view of your tables is captured into Flow. However, you may find it appropriate to skip the backfill, especially for extremely large tables.

In this case, you may turn of backfilling on a per-table basis. See properties for details.


You configure connectors either in the Flow web app, or by directly editing the catalog specification file. See connectors to learn more about using connectors. The values and specification sample below provide configuration details specific to the PostgreSQL source connector.

WAL Retention and Tuning Parameters

Postgres logical replication works by reading change events from the writeahead log, reordering WAL events in memory on the server, and sending them to the client in the order that transactions were committed. The replication slot used by the capture is essentially a cursor into that logical sequence of changes.

Because of how Postgres reorders WAL events into atomic transactions, there are two distinct LSNs which matter when it comes to WAL retention. The confirmed_flush_lsn property of a replication slot represents the latest event in the WAL which has been sent to and confirmed by the client. However there may be some number of uncommitted changes prior to this point in the WAL which are still relevant and will be sent to the client in later transactions. Thus there is also a restart_lsn property which represents the point in the WAL from which logical decoding must resume in the future if the replication connection is closed and restarted.

The server cannot clean up old WAL files so long as there are active replication slots whose restart_lsn position requires them. There are two ways that restart_lsn might get stuck at a particular point in the WAL:

  1. When a capture is deleted, disabled, or repeatedly failing for other reasons, it is not able to advance the confirmed_flush_lsn and thus restart_lsn cannot advance either.
  2. When a long-running transaction is open on the server the restart_lsn of a replication slot may be unable to advance even though confirmed_flush_lsn is.

By default Postgres will retain an unbounded amount of WAL data and fill up the entire disk if a replication slot stops advancing. There are two ways to address this:

  1. When deleting a capture, make sure that the replication slot is also successfully deleted.
    • You can list replication slots with the query SELECT * FROM pg_replication_slots and can drop the replication slot manually with pg_drop_replication_slot('flow_slot').
  2. The database setting max_slot_wal_keep_size can be used to bound the maximum amount of WAL data which a replication slot can force the database to retain.
    • This setting defaults to -1 (unlimited) but should be set on production databases to protect them from unbounded WAL retention filling up the entire disk.
    • Proper sizing of this setting is complex for reasons discussed below, but a value of 50GB should be enough for many databases.

When the max_slot_wal_keep_size limit is exceeded, Postgres will terminate any active replication connections using that slot and invalidate the replication slot so that it can no longer be used. If Postgres invalidates the replication slot, the Flow capture using that slot will fail and manual intervention will be required to restart the capture and re-backfill all tables.

Setting too low of a limit for max_slot_wal_keep_size can cause additional failures in the presence of long-running transactions. Even when a client is actively receiving and acknowledging replication events, a long-running transaction can cause the restart_lsn of the replication slot to remain stuck until that transaction commits. Thus the value of max_slot_wal_keep_size needs to be set high enough to avoid this happening. The precise value depends on the overall change rate of your database and worst-case transaction open time, but there is no downside to using a larger value provided you have enough free disk space.



/addressAddressThe host or host:port at which the database can be reached.stringRequired
/databaseDatabaseLogical database name to capture from.stringRequired, "postgres"
/userUserThe database user to authenticate as.stringRequired, "flow_capture"
/passwordPasswordPassword for the specified database user.stringRequired
/advancedAdvanced OptionsOptions for advanced users. You should not typically need to modify these.object
/advanced/backfill_chunk_sizeBackfill Chunk SizeThe number of rows which should be fetched from the database in a single backfill query.integer4096
/advanced/publicationNamePublication NameThe name of the PostgreSQL publication to replicate from.string"flow_publication"
/advanced/skip_backfillsSkip BackfillsA comma-separated list of fully-qualified table names which should not be backfilled.string
/advanced/slotNameSlot NameThe name of the PostgreSQL replication slot to replicate from.string"flow_slot"
/advanced/watermarksTableWatermarks TableThe name of the table used for watermark writes during backfills. Must be fully-qualified in '<schema>.<table>' form.string"public.flow_watermarks"
/advanced/sslmodeSSL ModeOverrides SSL connection behavior by setting the 'sslmode' parameter.string


/namespaceNamespaceThe namespace/schema of the table.stringRequired
/streamStreamTable name.stringRequired
/syncModeSync modeConnection method. Always set to incremental.stringRequired

SSL Mode

Certain managed PostgreSQL implementations may require you to explicitly set the SSL Mode to connect with Flow. One example is Neon, which requires the setting verify-full. Check your managed PostgreSQL's documentation for details if you encounter errors related to the SSL mode configuration.


A minimal capture definition will look like the following:

image: ""
address: "localhost:5432"
database: "postgres"
user: "flow_capture"
password: "secret"
- resource:
stream: ${TABLE_NAME}
namespace: ${TABLE_NAMESPACE}
syncMode: incremental

Your capture definition will likely be more complex, with additional bindings for each table in the source database.

Learn more about capture definitions.

TOASTed values

PostgreSQL has a hard page size limit, usually 8 KB, for performance reasons. If your tables contain values that exceed the limit, those values can't be stored directly. PostgreSQL uses TOAST (The Oversized-Attribute Storage Technique) to store them separately.

TOASTed values can sometimes present a challenge for systems that rely on the PostgreSQL write-ahead log (WAL), like this connector. If a change event occurs on a row that contains a TOASTed value, but the TOASTed value itself is unchanged, it is omitted from the WAL. As a result, the connector emits a row update with the a value omitted, which might cause unexpected results in downstream catalog tasks if adjustments are not made.

The PostgreSQL connector handles TOASTed values for you when you follow the standard discovery workflow or use the Flow UI to create your capture. It uses merge reductions to fill in the previous known TOASTed value in cases when that value is omitted from a row update.

However, due to the event-driven nature of certain tasks in Flow, it's still possible to see unexpected results in your data flow, specifically:

  • When you materialize the captured data to another system using a connector that requires delta updates
  • When you perform a derivation that uses TOASTed values


If you encounter an issue that you suspect is due to TOASTed values, try the following:


It is recommended that the publication used by the capture only contain the tables that will be captured. In some cases it may be desirable to create this publication for all tables in the database instead of specific tables, for example using:

CREATE PUBLICATION flow_publication FOR ALL TABLES WITH (publish_via_partition_root = true);

Caution must be used if creating the publication in this way as all existing tables (even those not part of the capture) will be included in it, and if any of them do not have a primary key they will no longer be able to process updates or deletes.